Y, YKS, YKK Series 6kV (H355~630) Medium-size High Voltage Motor

Item name: YR/YRKS/YRKK 10KV High Voltage Motor (H450~630)

Napięcie znamionowe: 10KV
Output power: 160~2000kW
Poles: 4~12p
Protection Class: IP23 for YR series, IP54/IP55 for YRKS, YRKK series
Cooling method: IC01 for YR series; IC81W for YRKS series; IC611 or IC616 for YRKK series;
Częstotliwość znamionowa: 50 Hz
Obowiązek: ciągły (S1)
Ambiemt temperature: -15°C~+40°C
The above is The Default Parameters, If you have any other special requirements, you can contact us for Customization.


Y, YKS, YKK series high-voltage three phase asynchronous electric motor is the new product developed by our company, which has good properties such as reasonable construction, advanced technology, high efficiency, energy-saving, low noise and vibration, reliable performance, convenient for installation and maintenance.
The power classification, mounting dimension and electric performance conform to national standard GB755-2008, JB/T10315.2 and the IEC standard.
The basic arrangement code of the electric motors is the horizontal foot mounting(IMB3). The duty of the electric motor is continuous(S1).


YR (YRKK, YRKS) series 6kv, 10kv high-voltage three-phase asynchronous motor is a winding type (slip ring) three-phase asynchronous motor with closed air-water cooler. The protection grade of the motor is IP44 or IP54 (see GB / T4942.1), and the cooling method is IC81W (GB / T1993). The motor has the advantages of high load rotational inertia, high efficiency, energy saving, low noise, low vibration, reliable performance, convenient installation and maintenance, etc. This series of motors can be used to drive various machines. Such as ventilator, compressor, water pump, crusher, cutting machine tool and other equipment, and can be used as the prime mover of coal mine, machinery industry, power plant and various industrial and mining enterprises

YR (YRKK, YRKS) series 6kv, 10kv high voltage motors with box type steel structure, can be observed its interior after removing the cooler or protective cover, and esay to be installed and maintained; Wound rotor is installed with slip ring structure; Insulation class F stator made by VPI process, ensure the reliability of insulation, moisture-proof and shock resistance; Temperature senor for stator and bearing, non-stop oil filling and exit pipe, improve the protection ability and operation efficiency of the motors.

YR (YRKK, YRKS) series 6kv, 10kv high voltage motors can be applied to the requirements as follows: 1. The lager starting torque; 2. Power capacity is not enough to start a squirrel cage motor; 3. Long start time or start more frequently; 4. Adjust speed in a small range.


Oznaczenie typu-Y-YKS-YKK-Seria-6kV-H355630-Silnik średniej wielkości-wysokonapięciowy


1 Nr modelu Y, YKK, YKS, YRKK, YRKS
2 Miejsce pochodzenia Lu’an, prowincja Anhui, Chiny
3 Klasa izolacji Klasa B/F/H
4 Częstotliwość 50 Hz/60 Hz
5 Moc znamionowa 185–10000kw
6 Prąd znamionowy 23,5–354,8
7 drut 100% miedzi
8 Obowiązek S1
9 Orzecznictwo ISO, CE
10 Napięcie prądu przemiennego 3kv, 6kv or customization
11 Temperatura otoczenia -15–40 ℃
12 Wysokość Nie przekraczać 1000 m
13 Rodzaj montażu B3, B5, itd


Napięcie znamionowe: 10KV
Output power: 160~2000kW
Poles: 4~12p
Protection Class: IP23 for YR series, IP54/IP55 for YRKS, YRKK series
Cooling method: IC01 for YR series; IC81W for YRKS series; IC611 or IC616 for YRKK series;
Częstotliwość znamionowa: 50 Hz
Obowiązek: ciągły (S1)
Ambiemt temperature: -15°C~+40°C
The above is The Default Parameters, If you have any other special requirements, you can contact us for Customization.


YR(IP23), YRKS(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 4 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YR450-4 220KW, YR450-4 250KW, YR450-4 280KW, YR4501-4 315KW, YR4502-4 355KW, YR4503-4 400KW, YR4504-4 450KW, YR4505-4 500KW, YR4506-4 560KW, YR5001-4 630KW, YR5002-4 710KW, YR5003-4 800KW, YR5004-4 900KW, YR5005-4 1000KW, YR5601-4 1120KW, YR5602-4 1250KW, YR5603-4 1400KW, YR6301-4 1600KW, YR6302-4 1800KW, YR6303-4 2000KW,

YR(IP23), YRKS(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 6 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YR4501-6 220KW, YR4502-6 250KW, YR4503-6 280KW, YR4504-6 315KW, YR4505-6 355KW, YR4506-6 400KW, YR5001-6 450KW, YR5002-6 500KW, YR5003-6 560KW, YR5004-6 630KW, YR5005-6 710KW, YR5601-6 800KW, YR5602- 6 900KW, YR5603- 6 1000KW, YR5604- 6 1120KW, YR6301-6 1250KW, YR6302-6 1400KW, YR6303-6 1600KW,

YR(IP23), YRKS(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 8 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YR500-8 220KW, YR500-8 250KW, YR5001-8 280KW, YR5002-8 315KW, YR5003-8 355KW, YR5004-8 400KW, YR5005-8 450KW, YR5006-8 500KW, YR5601-8 560KW, YR5602-8 630KW, YR5603-8 710KW, YR5604-8 800KW, YR6301-8 900KW, YR6302-8 1000KW, YR6303-8 1120KW,

YR(IP23), YRKS(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 10 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YR5002-10 220KW, YR5003-10 250KW, YR5004-10 280KW, YR5005-10 315KW, YR5006-10 355KW, YR5601-10 400KW, YR5602-10 450KW, YR5603-10 500KW, YR5604-10 560KW, YR5605-10 630KW, YR6301-10 710KW, YR6302-10 800KW, YR6303-10 900KW, YR6304-10 1000KW,

YR(IP23), YRKS(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 12 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YR560-12 220KW, YR560-12 250KW, YR5601-12 280KW, YR5602-12 315KW, YR5603-12 355KW, YR5604-12 400KW, YR5605-12 450KW, YR6301-12 500KW, YR6302-12 560KW, YR6303-12 630KW, YR6304-12 710KW,

YRKK(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 4 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YRKK450-4 200KW, YRKK450-4 220KW, YRKK450-4 250KW, YRKK4501-4 280KW, YRKK4502-4 315KW, YRKK4503-4 355KW, YRKK4504-4 400KW, YRKK4505-4 450KW, YRKK4506- 4 500KW, YRKK5001-4 560KW, YRKK5002-4 630KW, YRKK5003-4 710KW, YRKK5004-4 800KW, YRKK5601-4 900KW, YRKK5602-4 1000KW, YRKK5603-4 1120KW, YRKK6301-4 1250KW, YRKK6302-4 1400KW, YRKK6303-4 1600KW,

YRKK(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 6 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YRKK4501-6 200KW, YRKK4502-6 220KW, YRKK4503-6 250KW, YRKK4504-6 280KW, YRKK4505-6 315KW, YRKK500-6 355KW, YRKK5001-6 400KW, YRKK5002-6 450KW, YRKK5003-6 500KW, YRKK5004-6 560KW, YRKK5601-6 630KW, YRKK5602-6 710KW, YRKK5603-6 800KW, YRKK5604-6 900KW, YRKK6301-6 1000KW, YRKK6302-6 1120KW, YRKK6303 6 1250KW,

YRKK(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 8 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YRKK500-8 200KW, YRKK500-8 220KW, YRKK5001-8 250KW, YRKK5002-8 280KW, YRKK5003-8 315KW, YRKK5004-8 355KW, YRKK5005-8 400KW, YRKK5601-8 450KW, YRKK5602-8 500KW, YRKK5603-8 560KW, YRKK5604-8 630KW, YRKK6301-8 710KW, YRKK6302-8 800KW, YRKK6303-8 900KW,

YRKK(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 10 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YRKK5002-10 200KW, YRKK5003-10 220KW, YRKK5004-10 250KW, YRKK5005-10 280KW, YRKK5006-10 315KW, YRKK5602-10 355KW, YRKK5603-10 400KW, YRKK5604-10 450KW, YRKK5605-10 500KW, YRKK6301-10 560KW, YRKK6302-10 630KW, YRKK6303-10 710KW, YRKK6304-10 800KW,

YRKK(IP44, IP54, IP55) series 12 poles high voltage motors 10KV (H450~630)
Available Models:

YRKK560-12 200KW, YRKK5601-12 220KW, YRKK5602-12 250KW, YRKK5603-12 280KW, YRKK5604-12 315KW, YRKK5605-12 355KW, YRKK6301-12 400KW, YRKK6302-12 450KW, YRKK6303-12 500KW, YRKK6304-12 560KW,


Silniki elektryczne służą do napędzania różnych maszyn, takich jak sprężarki, pompy wodne, maszyny do krakowania, maszyny do cięcia, maszyny transportowe i inny sprzęt. Może być również stosowany jako prymitywne sterowniki do napędzania dmuchaw, mielenia węgla, walcowni i wind kotwicznych w kopalniach, przemyśle mechanicznym, przemyśle naftowym & przemysł chemiczny, elektrownia i tak dalej. Zastosowania i wymagania techniczne powinny być wyraźnie oznaczone przy zamawianiu silników. Można zastosować specjalną konstrukcję, aby zapewnić niezawodne działanie. Silniki tej serii można również zaprojektować w celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa, używanego w miejscach, w których występuje gaz wybuchowy.


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Silnik wysokiego napięcia YR/YRKS/YRKK 6KV